Plaistow Hill Primary and Nursery School

Plaistow Hill Infant and Primary School

Everyday my daughter is very eager to tell me what she has learnt and is always excited to be going to school

Year 2 Parent

  • "Staff are kind, calm and encouraging - Ofsted, April 2022"
  • "Children flourish in an environment of genuine warmth and care - Ofsted, April 2022"
  • "Pupils in Key Stage 1 are confident, listen to each other, share and take turns - Ofsted, April 2022"
  • "Parents and carers praise the work of the school - Ofsted, April 2022"
  • "One parent expressed the view of many with the comment 'the atmosphere and attitude of all the staff is incredible' - Ofsted, April 2022"
  • "The outdoor learning environment is used effectively to help children co-operate with each other and practise their number knowledge and skills - Ofsted, April 2022"
  • "Pupils are happy at Plaistow Hill Infant and Nursery School - Ofsted, April 2022"
Life at Plaistow Hill Primary and Nursery School Life at Plaistow Hill Primary and Nursery School Life at Plaistow Hill Primary and Nursery School Life at Plaistow Hill Primary and Nursery School Life at Plaistow Hill Primary and Nursery School



Intent: Why do we teach what we teach?

At Plaistow Hill Infant and Nursery School, our aim is to provide a comprehensive mathematics education that fosters confidence, fluency, and problem-solving skills in all our pupils. We follow the White Rose Maths scheme, which supports mastery learning and ensures that children build a deep understanding of mathematical concepts.


Key Features of the White Rose Maths Scheme

  • Structured Planning: Detailed curriculum overviews and lesson plans guide teachers in delivering high-quality maths education.
  • Problem-Solving Emphasis: Focus on problem-solving skills develops pupils' resilience and confidence in tackling mathematical challenges.
  • Cross-curricular Links: Opportunities to apply mathematical skills in other subjects enrich pupils' learning experiences.

Substantive Knowledge

  • Conceptual Understanding: Pupils develop a strong conceptual understanding of mathematical principles, including number sense, place value, and operations.
  • Problem-Solving Strategies: Pupils learn various strategies to solve mathematical problems, including real-world applications and puzzles that enhance their understanding.
  • Curriculum Structure: We follow the structured curriculum overview provided by White Rose Maths, which ensures progression and coherence in learning.

Practical Skills

  • Fluency and Automaticity: From Reception through Key Stage 2, we emphasize fluency and automatic recall of number bonds and times tables through structured programs.
  • Application in Context: Maths learning is enriched with real-world contexts and challenges, making mathematical concepts meaningful and accessible to all pupils.

Curiosity and Excitement

  • Purposeful Learning: Lessons are designed to show the relevance of maths in everyday life, sparking curiosity and engagement among pupils.
  • Problem-Solving Mindset: Pupils develop a positive mindset towards problem-solving, embracing challenges and applying mathematical skills creatively.


Implementation: What do we teach and when?

  • White Rose Maths Scheme: We follow the comprehensive planning structure provided by White Rose Maths, which includes detailed lessons and resources that support teaching and learning.
  • Progression and Recapitulation: The curriculum is sequenced to build on prior knowledge, with regular opportunities to revisit and embed key concepts from previous years.
  • NCETM Mastering Number and Times Tables Programmes: These structured programs in Reception and Key Stage 2 respectively enhance fluency and automaticity in key mathematical skills.

Examples of Implementation

  • Early Years and Key Stage 1: Pupils develop foundational skills in number sense and basic operations through interactive and play-based learning activities.
  • Lower Key Stage 2: Pupils progress to more complex mathematical concepts, such as fractions and decimals, using manipulatives and practical resources to support understanding.
  • Upper Key Stage 2: Pupils apply their mathematical knowledge to solve multi-step problems and real-life scenarios, preparing them for secondary school mathematics.


Impact: How children show that they know and remember more

  • Assessment: Regular formative assessment ensures that teachers monitor progress and tailor teaching to meet individual needs.
  • Mastery Approach: Pupils demonstrate mastery of mathematical concepts through application in varied contexts, showing depth of understanding.
  • Preparation for Assessments: Key Stage 2 pupils prepare for the Year 4 times table check with structured times tables practice, ensuring readiness for assessments.


Our mathematics curriculum, supported by the White Rose Maths scheme, ensures that all pupils at Plaistow Hill Infant and Nursery School develop a solid foundation in mathematics, preparing them for future learning and success. Through a mastery approach and engaging learning experiences, we aim for every child to become a confident mathematician equipped with essential skills for life.



Useful Web Links

BBC Bitesize maths - links to lots of maths games

ICT games - more games to play online

Crickweb - more maths games

Nrich - Lots of Fun Maths Problems developed by Cambridge University

Dice Games - A link to part of the NRich site, with lots of dice games for KS1