Plaistow Hill Primary and Nursery School

Plaistow Hill Infant and Primary School

Everyday my daughter is very eager to tell me what she has learnt and is always excited to be going to school

Year 2 Parent

  • "Staff are kind, calm and encouraging - Ofsted, April 2022"
  • "Children flourish in an environment of genuine warmth and care - Ofsted, April 2022"
  • "Pupils in Key Stage 1 are confident, listen to each other, share and take turns - Ofsted, April 2022"
  • "Parents and carers praise the work of the school - Ofsted, April 2022"
  • "One parent expressed the view of many with the comment 'the atmosphere and attitude of all the staff is incredible' - Ofsted, April 2022"
  • "The outdoor learning environment is used effectively to help children co-operate with each other and practise their number knowledge and skills - Ofsted, April 2022"
  • "Pupils are happy at Plaistow Hill Infant and Nursery School - Ofsted, April 2022"
Life at Plaistow Hill Primary and Nursery School Life at Plaistow Hill Primary and Nursery School Life at Plaistow Hill Primary and Nursery School Life at Plaistow Hill Primary and Nursery School Life at Plaistow Hill Primary and Nursery School

Year 1&2- rABBIT Class


Welcome to the Squirrel class teachers. On Mon- Wed Mrs Cleland will be teaching and on Thurs/Fri Mrs Sobti will be teaching.


Our PE days for Autumn term 1 will be Tuesday and Friday. Please come to school in your PE kit. You won't need school uniform on your PE days.



               Mrs Cleland                         Mrs Sobti


Click here to view our Autumn Term curriculum.

Click here to view our Spring Term curriculum.



Rabbit children will receive home learning activities each week. Generally, home learning will come home on a Friday and children can hand in their books, when they have completed it, but ideally, no later than Thursday.

We all know it is very important that the children are reading at home as much as possible. The children are rewarded as 'Reading Champions' if they read at home at least 3 times each week. 



We are continuing to develop an outside area for the children to use for their learning in Key Stage 1. If you would like to, please send into school some old trainers or wellies which the children can wear when outside. These will need to be in a named carrier bag so they can be left on the child's peg.

If you have any questions about our learning this term (or anything else) please come and see us.



Here are some links to websites that we think you might like to use... 


Free ebooks for children:

The Magic Key has games linked to sentence structure:

Excellent poetry and stories in video form from Michael Rosen:


KS1 maths games: A great game which teaches children about money and the importance of saving


Science based videos presented by Maddie Moate:


If you are worried about how to keep your children safe online:

Interactive maths games: