{SECTIOBadger class
Badger Class - Year 2/3
Welcome to Badger Class. Meet the staff in your classroom:
Miss Tuckley Mrs Vunnava
Autumn Term
Please take a look at the following PDF to see what we will be doing this autumn term (24/25).
Spring Term
Please click here for the learning we will be covering in the Spring term
Year 2/3 children will receive four set home learning activities a week. Each one feeds directly into basic skills that they have been developing in school.
1. Spellings
2. Vocabulary
3. TTRockstars
4. Reading (reading at least 3 times a week)
We all know it is very important that the children are reading at home as much as possible. The children are rewarded as 'Reading Champions' if they read at home at least 3 times each week.
It is critical that adults at home are checking the reading champion books and marking their child's reading as this will support them with their learning in school and help them with their phonics knowledge.
Each Friday we will send a new learning home. These should be returned by Friday ready for marking. Dojo points will also be rewarded for competed home learning.
Extra home learning may be given linked to a particular subject learnt during school this week. This could be History, Geography, Science, RE, PSHE or DT.
Our Library day is Tuesday. Please take the time to enjoy the book borrowed from school and make sure it is returned in time to be swapped out. These books are for enjoyment so may not be at the same level of your child's star reader level.
Our P.E days will be on Thursday and Friday. Please come to school in your P.E kit on these days.
Here are some links to websites that we think you might like to use...
Free ebooks for children: https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/
The Magic Key has games linked to sentence structure: http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/magickey/adventures/
Excellent poetry and stories in video form from Michael Rosen: https://www.michaelrosen.co.uk/videos/
Click here for the Year 1 Phonics Screening Check Presentation for Parents
KS1 maths games: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zjkphbk/articles/zf4sscw
http://www.funtosave.org/ A great game which teaches children about money and the importance of saving
Science based videos presented by Maddie Moate: https://www.youtube.com/c/maddiemoate/playlists
If you are worried about how to keep your children safe online: https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/
Interactive maths games: http://www.ictgames.com/resources